Thursday, 9 August 2018

The Barbarian

'We cannot get beyond our present level of culture unless we receive a powerful impetus from our primitive roots. But we shall receive it only if we go back behind our cultural level, thus giving the suppressed primitive man in ourselves a chance to develop....The existing edifice is rotten. We need some new foundations. We must dig down to the primitive in us, for only out of the conflict between civilised man and the Germanic Barbarian will there come what we need; a new experience of God.'

Carl Jung

We English need to recognise our roots in Germania, as part of the Germanic Folk, and then we can try to educate those from other nations who are also ignorant of our roots. We also need to recognise that the Sword of Hengest passed from the 'Fatherland' (Germany) to the 'Land of the Son' (England) as foretold in the Beowulf Saga. It was with this sword that Hengest and his brother Horsa came here to these islands to stop the spread of the 'Religion of Evil' and in turn took the land by the sword for the Germanic Tribes already here, and for the English Tribes who came over with him and after him. 

The only reason that the term 'Celtic' is used is because the Old Order is sorely afraid of the arising again of the 'Germanic Barbarian'. Christianity sought to tame the 'Blond Beast' and yet it burst its chains, and since these time fear has been instilled in the enemies of our Gods and Folk - fear of this 'beast' breaking free once more. 

'As the Christian view of the world loses its authority, the more menacingly will the blond beast be heard prowling about in its underground prison, ready at any moment to burst out with devastating consequences.'

Carl Jung (1919).

There seems to be some connection between these ideas and the primitive Serpent-Brain said to be the older part of the human brain. Here we need to reconsider the symbolism of Yggdrasil, where the Serpent lies coiled around the roots of the World Tree. We would thus think of the 'base' of the human spine, where in Indian Lore the Goddess Kundalini lies dormant, waiting to be awoken in order to rise along the spinal column. However....since it seems clear that the Sacred Tree is seen to be upside-down then the Serpent must lie coiled at the top and not the bottom. Its movement is both up-and-down as shown by Ratatosk but when considering this the runes run from top-to-bottom, from Feoh down to Gar. Everything in the Warg Age (Kali Yuga) is upside-down hence the reversal of values

On the Sutton Hoo Mask the Serpent starts at the back of the neck, moving across the crown of the head, and then linking to the 'Mind's Eye' or 'Third Eye' between the eyebrows. The eyebrows and nosepiece make the symbolism of the Irminsul which is another version of Yggdrasil. It has been said that the Serpent-Brain lies at the base of the neck so here we may have a hidden secret relating to the awakening of this 'Primal Beast'. Certainly, this part of the brain seems to be linked to the 'primitive'. 

Perhaps the most famous 'barbarian' is Conan the Barbarian the figure created by Robert E. Howard in 1932. The name 'Conan' is from the Irish relating to the 'dog' or the 'wolf' ('canine'); he is said to be a 'Cimmerian', a tribe who lived in the area of the Black Sea next to the Saka or Scythians. These were an Indo-European tribe who obviously migrated there much earlier from more northerly areas of Europe. Howard based it upon a 'pre-Celtic' people originating in Atlantis. In The Phoenix & The Sword he wrote of the time this happened -

'Between the years when the oceans drank Atlantis and the gleaming cities, and the years of the rise of the Sons of Aryas.'

The 'Sons of Aryas' relates to the Aryans, Abir Taha has used the name 'Arya' for the Aryan Goddess of Light in her book Arya. The name was also used in Tibet in such names as the goddess Arya Tara. It is not so well known, and has been kept so, that Howard was in frequent contact with the science-fiction author H.P. Lovecraft and exchanged ideas between them. Lovecraft's work was done through strange and terrifying dreams that he had, dreams of the 'Great Old Ones' and the 'Elder Gods'. 

In some way our own era is not so unlike that of the times when Howard set 'Conan the Barbarian', for we are nearing the end of a cycle that has already brought upon us two devastating world wars, a 'war of terror' that continues for ages, and the world on another brink of disaster, just like Atlantis. From the ashes must arise a new Barbarian Age - an Age of Heroes. This is the 'Fifth Age' known to the Greeks, the age that follows the collapsing Dark Age or Age of Iron. 

'Wotan's reawakening is a stepping back into the past; the stream was dammed up and broken into its old channel. But the obstruction will not last forever...and the water will overleap the obstacle.'

'Wotan' - Carl Jung. 

Woden is associated with the wind, and this is related to his role as a 'Storm-God' or 'God of the Hurricane' (*). In his 'passive' role as Seer and Wise Old Man his 'breath' moves us in a very calm way; in his 'active' mode as the 'Storm-God' he blows like a 'hurricane', smashing down all of the obstacles, breaking the shackles and freeing the 'Blond Beast'. The calm precedes the storm is a common saying that rings true of yesterday and of tomorrow. The Seer and Wise Old Man give way to the 'God of Fury'. This is ever how it shall be.

'He shows that Wotan is not only a god of rage and frenzy who embodies the instinctual and emotional aspect of the unconscious. Its intuitive and inspiring side also manifests itself in him, for he understands the runes and can interpret fate,'

'Wotan' - Carl Jung. 

We are back with the idea of balance and in particular the balance of opposites held within the figure of Woden. When we talk of the 'Barbarian' we are certainly not talking of the 'primitive savage'; this is not how Conan the Barbarian is portrayed. Yes, strong, virile, a warrior-hero, indeed a 'king' in his own right for his strength and warrior-hood gain him a kingdom and kingship in the end, but certainly a man of will and intelligence. He is the product if an advanced age - the Age of Atlantis - but an age that collapsed, as today the era we live in is on the brink of collapse. 

Jung tells us that Wotan is a 'psychic factor which acts on the high pressure of civilisation like a cyclone and blows it away...' Woden is not a god of 'civilisation' but an archetype that bursts out in a frenzy of energy and fire, smashing down everything in its path. Even when Christianity arose to 'tame the Blond Beast' Woden did not die, he slept in the Sacred Mountain (Kyffhauser) awaiting the time when his Ravens would call him back to 'life' -

'He is the God of Storm and Rage, the one who unleashes passions and the lust of battle; moreover he is a superlative magician and artist in illusion who is skilled in all Occult Secrets.'

'Wotan' - Carl Jung.

We are seeing these 'passions' here within the people of England today, a passion that is being channeled in the wrong direction, so as (once again) to stave off the inevitable - the coming storm. Woden stirs the passions, working not through the intellect but through the emotions and instincts. Instinctively, the English know they are losing their freedom, and they will instinctively fight back. Our great Enemy knows this and has taken steps to channel it away from exposing those who have really taken away their freedom. Nevertheless, Woden works deep within the Soul of the Folk and can break out at any time. 

It is down to groups like ours to invoke this aspect of Woden, as we have been doing for some twenty years or more now (this started before WF was founded and was part of the work of the White Dragon Kindred). We recognised that Woden had a very different aspect than the one most Odinists were aware of; in a way this is due to the role of Odin in the Eddas, a work written down by Christian scribes. The figure of 'Arrow-Od' in one of the sagas comes closest to the 'Wild Man of the Woods' with his coat of bark, and even our own figure of 'Robin Hood' has undergone the subtle mellowing through Hollywood. But, from the various bracteates and images of Woden we find a very different god, a much more primal figure, and even with his 'son' (Wid-Ar) we find a return to the image of the Woodland God. This is the image we developed within WF, the archetype of a primal Barbarian God. 

Talking of the 'Serpent-Brain' Woden is not often identified with the Serpent, but in a dream back in 1989 I received the image of a Hooded Serpent (Cobra - which is a symbol of Shiva) and we have the knowledge left from Central America that Votan was of the Race of Chan, a name meaning 'Serpent'. In my own dream Woden was clearly master of this 'Serpent-Force' since he sat before it in complete control. 

The above figure shows a Sun-wise directional force, a rotational Serpent-Force; the Sun has often been symbolised or connected to the Serpent. The heads point in the opposite direction, suggesting that this contains a balance of opposite forces, one Sun-wise and one widdershins - against the flow. This is a spiral-force shown in two-dimensional form - a Coiled Serpent. The Fire-Serpent is certainly the key to the awakening of Higher Consciousness, but it may also be the key to the awakening of the Barbarian Consciousness.

When we think of Rome we think of empire and civilisation, but Romulus and Remus were 'pirates', they were part of a barbarian tribe who raided and plundered - part of the Heri who 'harried', taking women and plunder as they swept in from the North. They founded Rome. The same goes for Hengest and Horsa who were 'sea-pirates' or 'sea-raiders' who raided and plundered these lands that were civilised by Rome, at a time when Rome was losing its grip on power. The Vikings were the same, called Heri by the 'civilised' and Christian English, raiders and pillagers - Barbarians. The Divine Twins are clearly associated with the Barbarian, and even occur in the legends of Attila the Hun and Genghis Khan, both of whom, like Romulus, slew a brother or half-brother.  We find a dim remembrance of this in the Wuffingas of East Anglia - the 'Sons of the Wolf'. As founders of a tribe or dynasty the Divine Twins are Barbarians. 

The 'Global Empire of Darkness' will fall as surely as Rome fell to the hordes of barbarians from the East and the North. But there are today no 'barbarians' out there to crash down on a global scale, so the energy and drive must come from within. The Archetypal Myth is unravelling, and will come about no matter what the obstacles are. We clearly see a pattern unfolding through the Archetypal Myth of the Horse Twins; one twin dies whilst the other lives on and conquers, true of every one of the pairs mentioned above, though not in all cases does one slay the other. We can in fact see that there was a link between Hengest and AEtla the Hun, apart from the legend of the sword 'Battle-Flame' being passed to Hengest. Hengest's son, Octa, has the name of a nephew of AEtla the Hun - Octha - which can be no coincidence. Associated with the Divine Twins is a Magical Sword - Sword of Victory. The legend is found in the Legend of Attila the Hun.

(*) The word 'hurricane' stems from a Central American god name Huracan; the two aspects of the name - 'hura' and 'can' suggest links to some form of Woden ('White God of the Americas') or Votan ('Chan'). Even the name of this clan - 'Chan' - based upon the Serpent, can be related to our Kan-Rune which is itself a 'Serpent-Rune' or 'Dragon-Rune' associated with Fire and Knowledge. The root of 'Kundalini' - kun - can be seen in *kan which is an Indo-European root meaning 'to generate' or 'to kindle', clearly associated with Fire. 

Kult of the Ancestors

I have covered some of this before on the Inglinga Blog but will look at some important points again to clarify the work that we are doing. To do so we need to consider the concept of the Germanic Mannerbunde who were cultic-brotherhoods made up of young warriors, warriors brought up from an early age within an 'age-set' of young males. The idea of 'discriminating' (which is done throughout this society to serve their ends calling it 'positive discrimination' which, of course, has no meaning whatever) is frowned upon but if men in particular are to regain their true role within society then there is a need to recreate the male-brotherhood (and female sisterhood to serve the female role). Here, though I am discussing the male role only - the Virile Warrior.

The Germanic Mannerbund was not a mere physical entity, it was based upon mind, body and spirit. But there is far more to this than just that, since the young warriors who made up these 'age-sets' belonged to the Kult of the Ancestors and the Kult of the Dead. (*) They were Cultic-Warriors and their work was within a ritually-based 'order' or 'secret society' in many ways; this involved invoking the Ancestral Spirits. But even this was not quite what it first seems, for from what evidence we have on this they actually became those fallen heroes, their heroic ancestors. This is hard to understand, until we recognise the hidden nature of the god Woden, for Woden is God of the Dead and the Ancestral God. 

Carl Jung recognised the true nature of Woden (Wotan), and also that it was this god that was the driving-force behind Friedrich Nietzsche, even though Nietzsche was a scholar of classical works and had little knowledge of Germanic Lore (or so Jung says). We go to Jung's essay Wotan in order to understand what I am saying here. Jung is talking about the furor teutonicus ('Teuton Fury' we would call it), the furor being a 'psychologizing of Wotan' in the words of Jung. What Jung suggested was that when the leader (Fuhrer - this relating to the term 'fury') is 'possessed' by the Force of Wotan (i.e. he is Wotan or becomes Wotan) then the whole nation (in this case Germany) was 'possessed' by this force, and acted as one being. 

The state of being 'seized' or 'possessed' by this force is known as Ergriffenheit, whilst the one who 'seizes' or 'possesses' is called the Ergriffener ('one who is seized'). Jung recognises clearly what this is all about when he compares Wotan to Dionysus, but sees a difference - 'Wotan confined himself to the berserkers, who found their vocation as the Blackshirts of mythical kings'. This holds true for the Ulfhedhnar (Wolf-Hides) too, these being more of a 'pack-warrior' than the lone Berserker. 

It seems just as true to say that the young warriors in the Mannerbund were also 'possessed', this time by the Ancestral Spirits. This gave them 'invulnerability' since they were 'seized' by this force, the Woda-Force we shall call it, and thus (in many cases) not only took on the traits of their Ancestors, but as often took up their Tribal Totem which would be a fierce animal such as the Wolf, the Bear or the Boar. All of these Totem Animals were associated with Woden in some way or another, as was the Raven and the Eagle. 

To further understand this concept of the 'possession' we need to study the one English Festival that still holds some of the secrets to these Warrior-Kults - the festival of 'Halloween'. This, of course, has not only been distorted over time, but also turned into yet another materialistic occasion there solely to make money out of the gullible 'consumers'. But even this does not hide the underlying meaning, clear by the symbols used -

  • Weapons such as a sword, axe or trident (Trident of Woden-Shiva), and also the shield.
  • The 'skeletal' garb worn by the individual, this being the 'Kult of the Dead'; this was how the Harii were described by Tacitus, as being painted up as the 'skeleton' to scare the enemy, and (more likely) because they saw themselves as the Ancestors, were 'possessed' by the Ancestors. The term 'Harii' does not refer to a tribe, but to the age-set of young warriors who were sent into battle first before the main bulk of the force. Their ferocity would certainly put many an enemy off fighting.
  • The connection to 'spirits' which refers to the Ancestral Spirits who, at this particular time of the year - when the veils between the worlds are thin - can enter Midgard and thus 'possess' these Cultic-Warriors. In Hinduism the autumn/winter period was named after the Ancestors, whereas the spring/summer period was named after the Gods. 
  • The 'Devil' and his 'Pitchfork' (Trident) form an important part of this since Woden was transformed into 'The Devil' by the Judaeo-Christian church. This is clear when we consider the by-name of Odin/Woden - Nicor (Old English) and Nikuda (Old Norse). This name became 'Saint Nicholas' so as to gain the following of those who worshipped Woden, and then 'Old Nick' became the name of 'The Devil' when they needed to demonise the Old Gods. Woden is the Ancestral God and Lord of the Dead.
  • 'Trick or Treat' is not really a modern-day invention since it is today merely a distorted version of the 'Steal-Right' whereby the young warriors had the right to steal in order to exist, since they were to be the backbone of the tribes defence and protection. Those who refused them when they asked for something would have some form of 'trick' played on them, but in those times this would be a form of 'punishment' and far more harmful than todays 'tricks'.
The date October 31st is used for this festival, which was originally 'All-Hallows Eve', corrupted to 'Halloween'. The title itself suggests a very 'holy' festival which it certainly was - and still is to the few who hold true to our own heritage and culture. Odinists celebrate November 11th as Einheriar Day and this is the same festival, the dates perhaps changed due to this being 'Armistice Day' (a far later edition) and because the Judaeo-Christian church changed the calender by 11 days, which seems to prove this. We have three clear sections to this festival -

  • October 31st - 'All-Hallows Eve'.
  • November 5th - Bonfire Night, clearly an ancient Fire-Festival pegged on to the figure of Guy Fawkes (who failed in his mission!)
  • November 9th (Germany) or November 11th (Odinism) is the Einheriar Day related to the 'Fallen Heroes' and their 'resurrection' into Midgard. 

These young war-bands, made up of young cultic-warriors, were linked to the wearing of black clothes, and the use of the black flag in some cases. They were also linked to the 'Death's Head' or 'Skull and Bones' which became widespread through use by Special Forces in many lands. This was obviously linked to the 'possession' by the Dead Heroes, the Skull and Bones symbolic of the dead warriors. In many cultures, examples being Persia (Iran) and India, these cultic-warriors were feared and suppressed in some cases; this was because in peaceful times they would have been a bit 'out of place' with their sheer ferocity and wild abandon. Today, in this world falling apart, rife with crime and violence, and devoid of any justice from our arrogant rulers, they have the most important place in any resistance to this oppression. But, like in times past, their role would have to be underground since they too will be the centre of suppression - and yet they will be feared greatly by this sick, liberal society. Fear brings into play further suppression - the game goes on!

On his Volkische-Runology blog Runebinder has covered the subject of the 'Death-Mask' (**) which can be seen here together with the Black Flag of Woden's Folk. The Norse god Odin is also called 'Grim' which means 'Mask' and Woden is The Masked One. The 'Death-Mask' is worn as part of this revival of the Germanic Mannerbunde. Below is the Mask of Ygg - The Mask of the Terrible One - also known as 'Ygg's Helm' (AEgishjalm) -

Again, this has been covered in a post on the Inglinga Blog together with its link to a Hindu Symbol which clearly harks back to Rudra-Shiva -

Shaivites, devotees of the god Shiva, are known to cover their faces with ashes, which most likely also formed part of the Cult of Woden at one time. This not only looks more ferocious but is also symbolic of the Fire-Cults of Ancient Times which were also part of this type of society (November 5th). (***)

I have mentioned before on many occasions that the name 'Ygg' or 'Igg' - meaning 'The Terrible One' - can be found in one of the by-names of Rudra-Shiva - 'Ugr' - which shows clearly how old this concept is. The root-word ug has a very primal sound in itself. It is important that we see this name in connection to Ygg-dra-sil and Woden hanging upon the World Tree - the 'Steed of Ygg'. 

Der Wilde Jagd (1889 - Franz von Schuck)

The Wolf is associated with the dead, later being replaced by its domesticated cousin, the Dog. In ancient Egypt Anubis was the Jackal-God and Wepwawet the Wolf-God. This is why Woden is the Wolf-God and has Two Wolves as his companions, as well as his Two Ravens. He is the Ancestral God. 

The new WF Hearth being formed in the South of England (a specialised WF Hearth working on the esoteric level) is based around the recreation of the idea of the Germanic Mannerbunde. It will not, and cannot, be made up of young men alone, since this needs some 'mature' input in order to put into this the knowledge gained by years. It will have the aim of bringing into our Folkish Movement more young folk dedicated to a purpose and a cause, and willing to involve themselves in a great struggle for our Folk. That is not to say that this is restricted to the Wolves of Woden because it will not be; in time there will be many more groups springing up on the same lines, all part of the Folkish Movement of Resistance. 

We are 'Wolf's Heads' - 'outlaws' - because although we are in this society we do not wish to be part of it. This society is corrupt, degenerate, decaying, dying, and it is riddled by rampant crime and injustice. We do not wish to be seen as part of this type of rotten society, a society on the brink of disaster. This society is 'anti-Nature' and it is 'anti-Man' and the need to become broken from its chains seems rather obvious, if we wish our people to survive. Our aim is to lead by example, to show others that there is an alternative way to live today, even if this is done at a minimal level at the outset. But the aim must be to get away altogether when things turn on their head - which they will. We need to be prepared. 

The Hooded Man Prophecy was dictated to me on October 31st 1993 in Horam in East Sussex, England. This was an altered version of the one found in the 1980s TV series Robin of Sherwood. It is the truer version since it has the right numerical values to be an Archetypal Myth. The date of this is obviously significant and will add to the need to keep holding our Ancestral Rite each year, and more so to make this particular rite more 'primal' (which we have been doing in various areas). 

Since we founded WF on April 23rd 1998 we have grown organically through attracting new active workers who have themselves heard the 'Call of the Blood'. This cannot be understood in physical terms, nor in the usual sense of the term 'mental', because we see the Sacred Blood as being just that - 'sacred' - and not just in physical terms but also at a spiritual level. It is quite possible, and proven to us, that certain people do hear a 'calling' and contact us through this, even though this never occurred to them before. Some come through 'accidentally' finding us online even though they were not really looking for anything in particular. 'From a word to a word, let thee be led to a word' - it is the written 'word' that stirs something within the Blood or more precisely the Blood Memory. 

I have shown before how it is quite possible for a group of individuals to come together for a specific purpose, in this case the struggle we have undertaken on Midgard. And this can be extended to the idea that these individuals have done this before, in a previous time of the Cosmic Cycles. The same group can incarnate at the same time, and this is specifically true of a period prior to the coming of an Avatar since the ground has to be laid before He can appear. It is usually some form of Seer or Prophet that heralds this coming, and around this figure grows a 'following' in the form of like-minded people who have the same type of work, though differing in form but not in essence. There may, and no doubt will be, more than one Seer/Prophet who foresees what is about to come into being, and this is certainly true of today. 

We should not make the mistake of seeing an 'Avatar' as the same as a 'Folk-Leader', though one individual can take both roles, as has been proven to us. The 'Folk-Leader' arises in the time of the direst need of his nation, but an Avatar appears at a particular time of the Cosmic Cycle - when the alignment of the stars is right. Even at such a time, many leaders can (and do) arise from different nations in order to aid the Avatar in His great work. In some way or another these people hear the Call of the Blood and. more importantly, they act upon it, taking up a Divine Mission or Destiny.

In ancient times the Ancestors were deemed of the greatest importance, and various myths and legends tell us of heroes or kings consulting their Ancestors through Utiseti which refers to 'sitting out' on a burial mound to consult with an Ancestor. This works in two ways, since the 'spirit' of the ancestor dwells where he is buried; but the blood that flows through our veins is also the same blood as that which flowed through our forebears, and contains the Blood Memory which can be awakened from within. This is how important Ancestral Worship can be, and which has been laid aside in modern 'paganism' and 'wicca'. To have this Ancestral Worship one must firmly believe in the concept of 'Sacred Blood' and also in 'race' since this is the criteria for the 'Blood Memory' to be saved in a pure way, or as pure as we can get it today. 'Race', of course, does not come into the modern world, and thus 'paganism' and 'wicca' can never by the 'Old Religion' since it cannot connect to the Ancestors. 

The name 'Halloween' and thus 'All-Hallows' stems from the Old English *hal meaning 'hale' or 'healthy', referring back to the IE Root *kailo which means 'whole' or 'wholesome'. This is thus a festival bringing some form of 'wholeness', in this case through the reintegration of the Ancestral Spirits into the tribe or group. The Old English *halgian means 'to hallow', 'to consecrate' or 'to bless' and thus this festival is seen as a very holy festival, bringing a wholeness to the tribe. 

The concept of wholeness and holiness is rooted in the Haegl-Rune or the Hagal-Rune (shown above) which is a glyph of the balance of opposites formed into one 'whole' symbol. This rune is also made up of the Life-Rune (Eolhs) and the Death-Rune (Calc) both of which have the form of the 'pitchfork' or 'trident' which is an important symbol in Halloween. The Holly-Tree and the Hollyhock both have roots in this rune-meaning, and neither of these are given much importance even though the names suggest otherwise. 

The ALU-ULA formula is also connected to the Ancestral Worship since it has been found carved on objects in Heathen Burials. The last part seems perhaps to connect to Wuldor (Ullr) who is certainly the 'winter' aspect of Woden and also a 'Wolf-God' as well as a 'Ski-God' in the Far North. The runes A-L-U suggest Ancestor - Blood - Primal, and in the 'ALU' chant Troy produced the runes were used in this way. 

(*) I sometimes use the spelling 'Kult' rather than 'Cult' although both are just the same. 'Cult' has become a 'dirty-word' today and linked with rather 'sinister' groups, or rather groups made to appear 'sinister'.

(**) The 'Death-Mask' is used in the Ancestral Rite as symbolic of Woden as the Ancestral God. His rune is the Os-Rune and the AEsc-Rune or Ansuz-Rune. The last rune-name suggests ahnen meaning 'ancestor' so is appropriate for this use. 

(***) The Sutton Hoo 'helmet' is really a 'mask' and there is little doubt that this is a Mask of Woden worn by the Sacral King in his role as the High Priest of Woden. This mask has the symbolism of the 'Fire-Serpent' or 'Kundalini' within its work and this also forms part of the Ancestral Worship. This is the 'Inner Fire' that has to be awakened. 

Tuesday, 7 August 2018

Light & Darkness

The Balance of Light & Darkness -

'In the days of the Lion, spawned by the Evil Brood, 
The Hooded Man shall come to the Forest. 
There he will meet with Herne the Hunter 
- Lord of the Trees -
 to be his Son and do his bidding. 
The Power of Light and the Power of Darkness 
shall be strong within him. 
And the guilty shall tremble!'

The Hooded Man Prophecy - October 31st 1993 - South Saxon Mark.

The Hooded Man is the 'Son of Herne', the 'Son of Woden', because Herne the Hunter is Herian or Woden Herian. The name 'Herian' stems from an IE Root *herilaz which means 'to raid', 'to plunder' and of course ' to go viking'. Tacitus records a Germanic Cult-Brotherhood called the Harii whose name relates to this, and who were a Kult of the Dead, masked to look like the skeleton, to invoke fear in an enemy at night - they fought in the Darkness of Night. 

Herne or Woden Herian is the God of the Wild Hunt, the One-Eyed Wild Hunter-God, the Wolf-God, the most Primal God of our Germanic Folk. Herian is also related to Aryan and thus to the Barb-Aryan - the 'Bearded Aryan'. The Hooded Man is 'Robin i' the Hood' or 'Robin Hood' whose Old English name actually means 'Fame-Bright Hood', the word 'hood' being a kenning for 'Darkness - Robin Hood means 'Light & Darkness'. 

Woden is the Fury-God since his name actually means 'divine intoxication', 'divine madness', 'fury' - he is the God of the Teuton Fury. But, as Carl Jung rightly stated, he is also the 'God of Stillness' and the 'God of Silence' in his meditative, prophetic role as the Seer and the Wise Old Man. He has both sides of the coin. He is the Light and the Darkness in complete balance and harmony, which makes him the 'All-Father'. He is Fire & Ice - the balance of opposites held within one figure, Apollo and Dionysus. 

The name 'Woden' is only pronounced as we spell it today in its exoteric use, since it should really be pronounced 'uuoden' the 'w' being just that, a double 'u'. The sound would thus be not unlike the Scandinavian 'Odhin' with the 'd' sounded half-way between a 'd' and a 'th' (as in 'the'). The name is from wod meaning 'furious', 'intoxicated', 'divine madness' and -en/-an which means 'master of' - the Master of Wod. The 'wod' is the force and Woden is the 'master' of that force - he controls that force. Thus, although this would appear to be a chaotic force in fact Woden has mastered this force, is able to use this force, and through us he is able to use it against the enemies of Folk and Gods - the Joten. 

Robin Hood is the most famous English Folk-Hero, the English Hero who fought against oppression and tyranny. He is a Wolf's Head who dwelt in the wildwood, the wild forests of England, where he fought against the Norman Barons and the growing power of the Judaeo-Christian Church which was taking swathes of land from the people. This is not the 'Robin Hood' of Hollywood, but the Archetypal Folk-Hero, the Archetypal Wolf's Head who sacrifices his own life for those of his people. Of course, the name 'Woden' is also associated with 'wood' and with the forests of England, for he is the Woodland God, and his Son - Wid-Ar the Avenger - is the Woodland God, the 'Spirit of the Greenwood'. This concept is that of the 'Wildman of the Wood'. 

Robin Hood can also be compared with Wid-Ar, since the latter is the God of Resistance (his name means just that - 'to resist'). The Wolf-Hook Rune is the Rune of Resistance and the Rune of Wid-Ar, it is a most powerful rune together with the Black Sun and the Fylfot-Swastika. The Wolf-Hook Rune is an adaptation of the Eh(waz)-Rune, which itself gives the IE Root *aiw- meaning 'Vital Force', 'Eternity', 'Youth', 'Life-Force'. The rune is the Yew-Tree which is the 'Tree of Waendal', a very ancient (1,600 years old) Yew-Tree in the churchyard at Wilmington, just below the 'Long Man' (Waendal) being the tree of this god - the 'April Fool'. He is Woden in his guise as the wild force of abandon that 'springs' up at the end of the Winter, into the Spring. This hill-figure is the Light aspect, and the Herne Giant (Cerne Abbas Giant) is the Dark aspect - the latter being the Wild Hunter-God (the figure is that of 'The Joker' shown on the Arms of the Wendal Family). 

The Long Man of Wilmington

Hamasson has shown how the Wolf-Hook Rune shows the constellation of Orion the Hunter (Winter Constellation), and the figure of the Herne Giant (once known by the Saxons as 'Heil') is that of Orion, as the figure itself shows clearly (the 'nipples' are offset as the top stars in Orion). The figure of a god holding a club can be found on the Horns of Gallehus, and this is the most ancient God of the Germanic Mannerbund - the Cultic Warrior-Brotherhoods of Germania. This god is the most Primal God, and when we consider the Greek Orion and its phonetic sound to Ur-ion (Ur-AEon) this takes us back into the far distant, most ancient past. 

From the very start, when Woden's Folk was formed back in 1998, we stood by our pledge to build a Folkish Movement around the concept of the 'Balance of Light and Darkness', with Woden as our guide and seer. The twin sides of Woden are of extreme importance, and bound to these two sides is the aim of creating the Warrior-Thinker - the 'cultured thug' of Lord Byron, the idea revived by the late Jonathon Bowden. Most groups contain either the 'thug' or the 'thinker', but our aim was to create a 'New Man' who would be both 'Warrior' and 'Thinker' at the same time, in other words, would contain within himself the 'Balance of Light and Darkness'. 

I cannot over-stress the importance of the promotion of the Woden Folk-Religion through the spread of the Woden Folk-Community. Ours is a religion (stemming from a meaning 'to bond') and we need a Folk-Religion to bind our Folk together in their hour of greatest danger. The Woden Folk-Community is the exoteric side, whilst Woden's Folk now takes on the role of the esoteric arm, working through the Wolves of Woden here in the South of England. Both of these 'arms' are as important as the other, and here again we have to keep a balance. It was necessary that we promote the exoteric side as much as possible, and we did not overlook the esoteric side, but as time went on this needed more emphasis, hence the reason for the changes being made this month (August 2018). 

Wulfgar came up with the logo for 'Wolves of Woden' which contains both the Death's Head ('Death Kult') and the Wolf-Hook Rune (symbolic of what has already been said about this rune here). 

The purpose of our work -

The motto here - 'One Land - One Blood' - shows clearly that whatever we do is for a purpose and is not done just for the sake of doing. We have a purpose to our lives, a 'Divine Mission' given to us by The Gods, by Woden who guides our moves upon Midgard. We recognise in the concept of Valhalla that there is not just 'One Life - Live It', a concept of extreme selfishness and self-importance, as opposed to the self-sacrifice for the Folk which is the basis of our life's work. The Divine Heroes (Weras) go to Valhalla as the Einheriar where they train, die and are resurrected, drink and feast with the Gods, and are then 'resurrected' - at will - in order to reincarnate upon Earth (Midgard) to continue the Eternal Struggle. 

Wolves of Woden -

The Wolves of Woden is a Wodenic Hearth created in order to bring together three distinct sections of our work -

  • The Ar-Kan Rune-Lag Runic System which is unique to Woden's Folk and to the Woden Folk-Religion.
  • The Ar-Kan Warrior Order based around our own Martial Arts Group called Runic-Warrior Combat & Survival. As the name suggests this incorporates bushcraft-survivalism into it, but also the Edel-Project which forms part of the drive towards self-reliance and self-sufficiency.
  • Esoteric Wodenism and the work of the now defunct Wid-Ar Brotherhood which was a secret Esoteric Society working within Woden's Folk. This work now forms part of the Woden Brotherhood. 
Wulfgar came up with the logo for 'Wolves of Woden' which contains both the Death's Head ('Death Kult') and the Wolf-Hook Rune (symbolic of what has already been said about this rune here).  

The Kult of Death -

It is not well known that the 'Death's Head' symbol we use is symbolic of the One-Eyed Wild Hunter-God, hence why it can be found on the flag of the 'pirates', complete with the 'blind eye' -

The symbol itself is that of the Wyn-Rune (Rune of Woden in his  aspect of the 'Wish-Lord', 'Lord of the Wild Army', 'Lord of the Wild Hunt') and the Gyfu-Rune ('Gift-Rune'). The Wyn-Rune is also the 'Tribal Banner' and this harks back to the ancient Aryan Tribalism we often speak of. Gwyn/Wyn is the name of the 'Celtic' Wild Hunter-God - Gwyn ap Nydd ('Wyn - Son of the Mist'). 'Nydd' can be seen in a Germanic form as 'Nyd' - the 'Need-Rune' - which itself is a 'Rune of Death' (as seen by the Armanen Masters). 'Wyn' also means 'white' as in 'wan' ('pale') and this god gives his name to Gwynedd in North Wales, the ancient land of the 'Fair Angles' who dwelt in Gwynedd and Anglesey (Angle's Island). 'Wyn - Son of Death' is the meaning of the 'Death's Head' or Totenkoft and is symbolic of the One-Eyed Wolf-God, Woden. 

The Black Sun - White Sun -

The Odal-Rune is the 'Rune of Odin' but here this aspect is that of The Hooded One (Hamasson pointed out that this rune is a glyph of a 'Hooded Man'). This rune is two Sig-Runes bound together, and is also the glyph of At-al-land, our most ancient Aryan Homeland in the North-West. 

This version of the Odal-Rune (Edel-Rune) shows the 'Balance of Light and Darkness' in the same symbol, the White Sun and the Black Sun. It is the Rune of Blood and Soil which is a statement that always evokes criticism, but since the truth shall prevail in the end we shall continue to use this phrase, which is the right phrase to use for this rune. 'God in Nature - God in the Blood'. Another meaning of the name 'Woden' stems from the Germanic Root *wuot which means 'all-pervasive' or 'all-penetrating' and refers to the 'Life-Force' that pervades everything within the Nine Worlds. This also relates to *wod- which is the 'energy' the 'Fiery Energy' that pervades the Nine Worlds. The Odal-Rune - the 'Double Sig-Rune' now becomes the White Sun-Black Sun in balance and harmony within one symbol, the symbol of Blood and Land. The colours are Black-White-Red, the alchemical colours of transformation and of the 'resurrection' of Folk and Land. 

The Wolf-Knot -

The Valknut is the Walk-Knot - the 'Wolf-Knot' - which shows the Nine Worlds which form a wholeness within one symbol; they are not separate worlds, but worlds that are interconnected, everything interconnected through the Web of Wyrd. The 'Wolf-Knot' binds the Woden Initiate to the god Woden - the Wolf-God, the most ancient One-Eyed God of Germania. The Sacred Number 9 is the most important number in Wodenic Lore; it is the Sacred Spiral which our enemies oppose through its opposite - 6. Nine is completion since it is the last number in the sequence - our enemies changed this to 10 which is not the 'complete' but is a new sequence (1 -) We should count in 'nines' rather than 'tens' which we have been programmed to do (*). This is not something 'trivial' since we have it on record that Nikolai Tesla worked with the Sacred Numbers 3 - 6 - 9 with whatever he did. 

Herne the Hunter -

This figure is said to be 'Cernunnos' which is a name found in Gaul; the Gundestrap Cauldron was found in Denmark, Scandinavia, and deemed to be 'Scythian' rather than 'Celtic'. The figure is that of Herne the Hunter, clutching a Snake and a Torc, the Torc being the neck-ring which is symbolic of the Hang-Man's Noose and thus that of Woden-Herne as 'God of the Hanged'. A Christian Priest recorded that the Saxons in Devon worshipped an 'Erminseul' (Irminsul) and the Stag and the Snake, fitting very well with the figure of Herne the Hunter shown here. The pose is not that of Woden in his role as the 'Fury-God' (Furor), but in his role as the passive mode as seer and 'Wise Old Man' - clear from the 'yogic' type of posture he holds. In this role he is also 'Lord of the Animals' as seen here where he is surrounded by animals. 

The importance of Herne the Hunter is that he is the most Primal and Ancient One. He is the 'Horned God' known by all Indo-European Peoples, going back to the figure of Rudra-Shiva in India where, despite views to the contrary, he was an Aryan God

The Hooded Man -

In the 'Robin of Sherwood' series, from which this prophecy originates, though not exactly in the form that I was given in a dream, The Fool of the Tarot Pack is equated with 'The Hooded Man'. This is indeed correct since it later became clear that the Long Man of Wilmington - an aspect of Woden - is linked to The April Fool as I found back in 1997. Woden is 'The Hooded One' which comes out in the 'Hooden Horse' featured in certain 'Mumming Plays' in Kent. At least three Wodenists (including myself) have had dreams or waking visions of a hooded figure which has a 'Black Void' where the face should be. This is Woden as 'The Hooded One'; in my own dream he was clearly 'Lord of the Dead' and had a Red Hood and Red Flag. He is the 'Grim Reaper' in this aspect, a by-name of Odin being 'Grim'. This is the 'Dark Side' of the god Woden.

As with most things today, the figures of 'Robin Hood' and 'Herne the Hunter' have been 'toned down' in the 1980s TV series, and Herne becomes a kindly old man rather than the Wild Hunter-God. This follows from the 'Hollywood' stuff on the subject, and also the whole thing is turned upside down as the 'Wolves of Fenris' are attributed to Odin, who is nowhere linked to Herne the Hunter. Odin is basically the 'bad guy' here and Herne the 'good guy'; we should not be surprised since, as I have stated in several articles on the Inglinga Blog the Great Enemy uses the tactics of division and thus the one figure bearing the balance of Light and Darkness is turned into two distinct and separate opposites, working against each other rather than in harmony. This may also be true of Tolkien's Lord of the Rings which at least in part has the same type of theme. Gandalf is the 'good guy' (Light) and Saruman is the 'bad guy' (Darkness). 

The Vedas and the Eddas are clear on the nature of the true duality and that is the Eternal War between the Forces of Order, Oneness and Harmony, and the Forces of Division, Chaos and Disharmony. Most of the gods are a balance between God and Joten, and this is how it must be, since they need to know their enemy and only though an 'inner knowing' can they do this. The Hooded Man wields the sword Albion which holds the balance of Light and Darkness within its blade.