Tuesday, 28 February 2023

The Germanic Mannerbund - Part Seven


In a vivid dream that I had many years ago, one which featured the Wild Army as a kind of 'march' or 'parade', one of the prime features was that of 'The Fool' who was present, as well as a figure clearly associated with Law and Justice. There were the usual dogs and wolves, as well as horses, but the feature we need to look at here is that of Law and Justice. 

When there is total oppression and tyranny of a people, the law becomes an 'ass' and justice is non-existent, then such Cultic-Warrior Brotherhoods are forced to go underground and become the only means of Law and Justice in such a society, as will 'vigilante' groups arise when the police do not bring law and order onto the streets - this is an inevitable move, and only those who forsake true Law and Order that serves the people of that Folk-Nation are responsible for what happens. The link to the ancient Cultic-Warrior Brotherhoods comes from the fact that these were there to uphold the order that their ancestors first created, and they were oath-bound to do so. 

Red is the colour of Justice, thus the 'Red Hound' and the 'Red Hand' (through word-play): the 'Red Cross' (equal-armed cross in circle - sun-wheel) stood over the 'Red Court', with the 'Red Staff' being the Staff of Justice and Right, and the White Staff is symbolic of Law. The 'Hand' (five fingers) wrapped around the sword-hilt is symbolic of Justice, which involves Law and Truth. 

The Rad-Rune contains the above mysteries -

  • Red,
  • Rad - Wheel,
  • Rita - Right Order, Right, Ritual,
  • Rod - Rod of Justice,
  • Rood - Gallows of Justice = The 'Wolf-Tree',

The Primal Laws of Nature are the Divine Law of Primaeval Evolution; the law and justice must serve the people, and laws that do not do so are irrelevant. When tyranny and oppression take over, and there is no justice, then the Outlaw takes his place in history, and it is the duty and responsibility of the Cultic-Warrior Band to fight such tyranny and oppression and bring Law and Justice to the Folk. 

The role of the Shadow-Warrior is important in these times, since some form of secrecy and 'working in the shadows' is necessary. The Cultic-Warriors hunted in the night with nets and clubs, whereas the tribal hunting took place in the day with the spear or bow and arrow. This also applied to war, when the war-bands would fight in the darkness of night. In Japan the role of the Ninja was similar, and these Shadow-Warriors arose when the Samurai became a state-instrument against the people. Hence the black-clad Ninja fought in the shadows and in the dark as the 'Invisible Warrior'. The Sceadu-Beorn ('Shadow-Warrior') had the same role in Germania, hence the black garb and the black flag, as well as their weapons being blackened. 

Pestilence - wars and rumours of wars - famine! The first two of these we have had, the last we keep hearing threats of - food shortages. The constant barrage of propaganda about 'food shortages' will become the greatest problem here, since after a time people tend to ignore this, since it has not happened. The world-wide policies on food and the deliberate destruction of farming can only lead to world-wide food shortages and thus to famine on a grand scale. The signs are that this could happen in the near future - maybe in three years time (2026). Famine will be the problem, but the total breakdown of law and order when people fight each other for food and their survival will prove even more testing. Time is short, and the need to recreate the Cultic-Warrior Order is even more important.

The Germanic Mannerbund - Part Six

One of the prime symbols of the Cultic-Warrior Brotherhood is the Death's Head, since they are an 'Army of the Dead'. In regard to cult it is thus essential to honour the Forefathers (our own ancestors as individuals) and the Ancestral Heroes (those who have been in this glorious struggle and have since passed on). It is usual to honour the Forefathers at Yuletide, but this is also one of the foremost times to honour the Ancestral Heroes too. The period of October 31st (All-Hallow's Eve - Halloween) through November 5th (Fire-Festival to Ingwe) to November 9th-11th is dedicated to the Ancestral Heroes, and also to the Forefathers. 

This is where those who are involved in Heathen work and have not taken up this struggle (and there are many of these) will not be able to recreate such Cultic-Warrior Brotherhoods, since they will have no Ancestral Heroes to honour, and although we should honour the 'Mythical Heroes' (of myth and legend) this can in no way be the same as honouring those who have taken up the Sacred Blood Struggle in our own times. This goes for those who cannot recognise the true nature of this struggle, and how the Folkish Movement arose to hold back the Dark Forces at the 'turn of the Great Year'. 

Those who are now dead and gone, but who were involved in the Sacred Blood Struggle are still with us in spirit, and we should honour them and invoke them to stand with us in the Last Battle. This can be done (as we have done in the past) through the 'Roll-Call' when each Fallen Hero is named by the Ancestral Call, and those who partake in the Sacred Rite call - 'Here!'. Thus, the Spirit of the Dead Heroes are invoked to be present with those who take part in the rite, and more importantly, and involved in the struggle for freedom. In the Woden Folk-Community this is the role of Woden's Folk as the Esoteric Order. 

The Way of the Gods is the period between the Winter Sunstead and the Summer Sunstead, whilst the Way of the Ancestors is the period between the Summer Sunstead and the Winter Sunstead. The latter is the period in which Halloween and Yuletide fall. For the whole of this period of the year (the Dark Time) the Forefathers and Ancestors should be honoured, though the emphasis is usually from the Winter Evennight to the Winter Sunstead. 

The colours of the Cultic-Warrior Brotherhood has always been associated with Black, and sometimes the Red (of youth and war). The Cultic-Warriors were black and gather under the Black Flag. One of the main symbols of these Kults is that of the Belt worn around the waist - one belt for the Cultic-Warrior Fury-Leader and two belts for the Cultic-Warriors. These could also be the Sacred Cord worn around the waist. 

Thursday, 23 February 2023

The Germanic Mannerbunde - Part Five


In these Cultic Warrior Brotherhoods we find the use of Ritual Dances, weapon-dances undertaken by the cultic-warriors led by a Fuhrer who represents Woden as the Leader of the Bund. We find such dances still alive today (just) in various parts of England, though some of the more martial forms have been watered down into 'Morris Dancing', though the staffs/clubs are still present. However, the meaning is lost and the energy and ecstatic power has been lost with it. It would be very difficult to get young people involved in this today, for obvious reasons.

However, there is a method that can be used to achieve the same ends - Kata or Form. Using the Japanese term to make it clear, and with the English 'form' with it to try to bring this into an English context, kata is a form of Martial Dance, and it can also be used with weapons. Kata is in essence a means to learn basic warrior-moves, fusing a number of moves into a full 'Form'. Some martial artists have dropped the idea of forms, but there is a very ancient meaning to these, and one that is important to a Warrior Cult. There are many uses for this -

  • This can be used as an individual training or group-training.
  • The best forms would be simple and easy to understand, and easy to learn, thus having only a few moves in the early stages. Unfortunately, many Karate Katas are very long and take time to get right. Better short and easy to learn, and to get right.
  • Each Kata is made up of an individual fighting-move, and putting them together creates a kind of Warrior-Dance. 
  • The forms need some form of self-control, motor-memory, and install self-discipline in the individual. When used in a group they bond together the individuals and create the 'Pack Instinct'. 
  • In doing a kata/form the individual has to visualise a 'living' opponent in order to attack-defend in the way it would be done with a 'real' opponent. 
  • There is even room to extend this use of movement by creating short attack-defend moves with one or more opponents, thus mimicking a real fight. This is done in some Martial Arts, but can be altered to suit a more ritual dance type of movement. 

The first Ar-Kan Form that I developed uses the 33-Runes, each rune made into a movement fitted into a sequence of moves. This is very long and not so easy to learn, but can be split into Four Forms using the Four AEttir. On looking back at this shorter forms would be better suited since they can be learned quickly and thus not become a chore to learn. 

I have done Karate Kata in the past, though I found this rather harder when I restarted training when older, due to the length of the katas. But some of these are invaluable to a Cultic-Warrior Order if we revive them in a form suited to the more esoteric side. The kata we learned for First Dan Black Belt was Tensho which is a very easy one to learn, and based wholly upon short easy moves linked to the rhythmic breath. Higher grades were much longer and harder to learn, and in line with a policy of trying to make things easy to learn, and thus ensure that can be perfected, it is best to stick to short ones. 

The essence of all forms is that the fighter is being attacked by more than one opponent, and has to defend against many, and attack against many. Thus the need for agility and flexibility, having to move, turn, twist etc. The 'Hollywood' style high kicks are of no use when fighting, but in these forms the leaps and jumps can be of use in the 'dance' that is the basis of such forms - depending on age of course (leave me out). 

Weapons Training can also be done with forms, and I have done training with staffs and other weapons some years ago. The best form of weapons-training that we could use for our Martial Arts is that of the Staff and the Twin-Sticks (two short sticks). These need not be bought, and the Folkish Wodenist would be best served making such a Staff and Sticks, of ash-wood usually. Remember, this is being done not as a 'sport' but as serious Spiritual Training. This type of practice must be of a ritual-religious-initiation nature and not for money nor sport, but for spiritual advancement. Runes can be carved or burnt into the Staff/Sticks. 

Allied to the Ritual Forms would be the group-training as done in a dojo (training hall); this means a lining-up of individuals doing a set routine, set moves, and thus working in harmony as group. Again, some martial artists avoid this type of training, but it is useful in building a group-consciousness and 'team-building'. At one time I started to feel that this was unnecessary today, but in retrospect this seems to be a thing needed to build up a 'team' that works together as the 'pack'. 

The one difference than using Japanese, Chinese, or Korean Martial Arts is that everything done in the Ar-Kan Rune-Lag is done in modern English, thus avoiding the need to learn a foreign tongue rather than concentrating upon the actual fighting techniques. Of course, although learning can be done through non-contact, some of the training must be done with semi-contact and then full-contact or it is useless in real life. 

This type of form-work and group-training can be started off through slow-motion moves, thus ensuring the right technique which should precede the right power and force needed. There is another advantage to this, since using a slow-motion type movement actually increases focus and concentration, and it can be allied to rhythmic breathing too. This has the advantage of training oneself to breath correctly and thus avoid the shortness of breath that most newcomers experience because they go in like a 'bull at a gate'. 

Another point to make here is that this is a Spiritual Training at an esoteric level, and a Physical Training at an exoteric level - both should be done together which is how it was in ancient times. Mind-Body-Spirit. There is also the ritual content involved in training, since in the martial arts this forms part of the whole. Starting with the opening of a form, using a ritual mudra (hand-sign) such as used in the Ar-Kan Rune-Lag (Right Hand in a ball, Left Hand clasped over the Right in an 'arch', symbolic of the Sun & The Moon - the Balance of Light and Darkness within the individual. Then there is the Breathing Exercise that follows after the Ritual Hand-Sign, which we need not go into here. The Eastern 'bow' is left out for obvious reasons, since the Hand-Sign can be used before a contest as an acknowledgement to the opponent. 

The Germanic Mannerbund - Part Four


The theme of a group of outlaws living wild in the English Forests is connected to the Cultic Warrior Brotherhoods. Robin Hood and his Merry Men was one of these Cultic War-Bands - English Freedom Fighters - who roamed the area of Sherwood Forest. What we know of them is sparse, and the film industry does little to clear up any confusion, and Robin Hood was certainly not a champion of the 'meek and weak', but a bringer of justice. In one of the tales he is said to have held a Mete-Wand which is a staff used for measurement, in this case symbolic of the bringing of justice and right in a time of tyranny and injustice. 

Folkish Wodenism uses the theme of Robin i' the Hood as the 'Son' of Herne the Hunter, an aspect of Woden as the One-Eyed Hunter God. In this he is, in line with the Myth of Herne the Hunter, adorned with Stag's Horns on his head, and is the Lord of the Trees, Lord of the Forests, and Lord of the Animals. This is a very ancient Aryan Archetype that is the basis for the Forest God. Of course, Wid-Ar the Avenger is also the 'Forest Warrior' - the 'Forest God'. 

The Hooded One is Woden, and running through the theme of Robin Hood and his Outlaw Band is the need for secrecy and to be hidden away from the rest of society as Wolf's Heads. There is something important in this idea, since the time will come when those opposed to this sick, rotten, degenerate society will be forced to get out of it somehow, or forced to move 'underground', much as the secret orders and secret societies had to do in the past. 

One such Secret Order was the Geheimgericht (Secret Tribunal) or Tugendbund (Alliance for the Promotion of Virtue), better known as the Fehm-, Behm- or Vehmgericht. It is very difficult to sift fact from fiction when dealing with secret societies, and most start off as something far different than they end up, because these can easily be taken up and used by an oppressive state as a kind of 'secret police'. The Fehm was supposedly started in the time of Charlemagne to suppress the Heathen Saxons; when it was revived in the fourteenth century the members of the Vehm were known as Die Wissenden - The Illuminati. 

There are doubts as to what we have been left of this subject, since Guido von List has nothing bad to say of the Vehm. They summarily executed their 'victims' by hanging them on a tree, which may suggest that the term Vehm, in its alternative Behm, derives from Baeume Gericht (Tree Law). Generally, they hung them using a rope of willow twigs, since hemp was forbidden in ancient law, and on a Lime Tree (Linden Tree). The German sacred geographer Joseph Heinsche stated that these were sited on geomantic-points or power-points of the Earth. This suggests something more ancient that the Christianity of Charlemagne.

They used a ritual dagger stuck into the ground to show who was doing the hanging, and to warn others not to interfere, under penalty of the same fate. This dagger bore the letters S.S.G.G. which were said to stand for Strick (Noose), Stein (Stone), Gras (Fear), Grein (Quarrel). This was an Initiation Cult, and most likely developed from the same roots as the Germanic Mannerbund, since the aim was to enforce Justice and Order on society. Their rules were enshrined in The Red Tower which is an Arthurian allegory because in the Forest of the Red Tower Parsifal discovered two knights hanging from a tree. 

The act of hanging from a tree as a punishment, and that these took place in the forests of Westphalia, Saxony, suggest some connection to Woden in the very early times. There is no doubt that this idea was taken up and used by Charlemagne and the Christian Franks, but that does not mean that it was invented at this time. The revival and the link to King Arthur also suggest that this was again used for a specific purpose by the state. There have been other examples of this type of secret order arising in times of tyranny, in Germany prior to World War II, the other in the USA. 

The importance to us here is that there may come a time when secrecy is indeed needed, and in times of tyranny, though of course using different methods, there is a need to create a balance through the bringing of justice and order. One of the most important things is to revive the symbolism that was used by such orders, since they will be firmly impressed into the Blood Memory, and that will be enough to make people know what is being done to right wrong, even if they do not know consciously.

Wednesday, 22 February 2023

The Germanic Mannerbunde - Part Three.

I decided to take down this part and redo the whole thing, since what I had done in some hast did not really fit with the theme that is unfolding in this series.This is the revised edition.

This part will take a quick look at the Wolves of Vinland which is a group established in the US. Their set-up is that of an alternative society with their own unique Folk-Community, but it is based upon the Cult of Manhood through using Martial Arts in the form of MMA - Jiu Jitsu styles of fighting. Gym training is part of the work to build up fitness and stamina, as well as self-discipline. They are totally opposed to the Established Order and seek to break free of the shackles of thraldom in such a society. Their structure is much like a biker club, which also forms part of their dress-code, and some do ride bikes.

The one thing that sets them apart from the normal 'club' is their use of Heathen Ritual as part of their lifestyle. Using a form of down-to-earth ritual that would certainly awaken Primal Forces theirs is not based upon the usual rites used in most pagan & heathen work. They use face-painting and other arts which formed part of ancient groups and rituals. Their work is very much akin to the ancient Germanic Mannerbund, and thus something to look to for the means to revive these Oath-Brotherhoods.

There is no doubt that the Wolves of Vinland is a Cultic Warrior Brotherhood based upon the Heathen Cult, using some Heathen Symbolism and the Sacred Runes. Paul Waggener, one of the founders of the Wolves of Vinland, is proficient at rune-workings, and no doubt more off the members are too. Their work is also towards a self-reliant Folk-Community since they hunt for their own meat and (I think) grow their one food to an extent. So this really is a community set apart, and is thus constantly attacked by the US State. 

We have many biker clubs here in England, some with Folkish Heathens as members, but not in the sense of being a Folk-Community set up for self-reliance and self-sufficiency, although most have their own 'club-house' and other facilities they use as a group or groups. Setting up a Folk-Community here in England is rather different than the US, since here we are such a small island that it would be very hard to find places where a group could operate without interference, and the only real 'wilderness' is in the Scottish Highlands. 

There was an attempt to create a group based upon the ideas of the Wolves of Vinland, but this failed after the police raided one of them and the whole thing shut down. This is hardly something that will help our struggle, and I do know that one of those involved lives in the same village as a prominent WF-C Activist and will have nothing to do with him. Throughout the years some WF Activists have been subjected to these police raids or visits from 'Prevent' (Anti-Terrorist Squad before that), and we are still going despite the harassment. That it what it is, they have nothing whatever on us for doing anything wrong, so they intimidate and try to frighten us off. Clearly it works on some! Clearly this is not the case with the Wolves of Vinland.

The Germanic Mannerbunde - Part Two.


"Truthfully, in this age those with intellect have no courage, and those with a modicum of physical courage have no intellect. If things are to alter in the next fifty years then we must embrace Byron's ideal - the Cultured Thug." Jonathon Bowden.

Unfortunately, Jonathon Bowden died before he could see the onslaught that befell us with the 'covid crisis', so we do not have fifty years to achieve this aim, which I see as being the right way to go. I have said before that in my own view we need to go a step further with this, through a three-fold 'New Man' -

  • The Warrior-Hero
  • The Thinker.
  • The Mystic. 
All of this forms part of the Germanic Mannerbund, which we are dealing with here, and which I believe we should revive in a suitable form that would serve our purpose in this era - the darkest period of the Great Year Cycle. The Mannerbund were a war-band and cultic-brotherhood that acted as the Guardians against the Forces of Destruction, in a constant struggle to maintain the Cosmos and Cosmic Order. They were the earthly counterpart of the Einheriar, the Warriors of Woden who fought the mythical battle against the Joten, and were the protectors of men against the Fenris Wolf. 

At the individual level we need to create the 'New Man', the Warrior-Thinker-Mystic, whilst at the same time incorporating the individual with a new Aryan Mannerbunde, the Lone-Wolf within the Pack. The members of such an Aryan Mannerbunde would be Cultic-Warriors within a Cultic Oath-Brotherhood. Woden is the Mythical Leader and the personification of the Heri - the War-Band. Thunor is the Archetypal Warrior & Serpent-Slayer who is the Mythical Warrior of the Aryan Mannerbund. Now, in truth it is perhaps wise for us to honour Thunor on April 23rd rather than 'St. George'; some Odinists honour Sigurd on this day, and we have done so in the past, but the roots of the Myth of Sigurd lie in the Archetypal Serpent-Slayer who is Thunor. Both Sigurd and Beowulf are 'Dragon-Slayers' or 'Monster-Slayers' but it is the god Thunor who is the Ur-Type of this ancient myth.

These cultic-warriors formed guerrilla war-bands that learned hardness, self-control, stealth and strategy, as well as survival tactics. This was done through living wild in the wilderness, not settled by moving around, through the cattle-raid and abduction of the women, and thus fighting with rival tribes. Such things, going against the trend of the 'progressive' times, ensure a healthy, strong, disciplined people with survival skills and the ability to live through their own work and efforts. This is the difference between Wilderness Living, which is a settled state living in harmony with Nature and the Folkland, and the 'Heathen' living outside the boundaries of the settled tribe, having to survive and live off the land, always aware of the dangers in living this way, and thus overcoming any fears that they started out with. It is more likely that one day we shall have to become 'Survivalists' before we ever get to the stage of 'Wilderness Living' - especially here in England where there are few places to go to hide from The System. 

Hunting was always a practice for warfare, and that is why it is still today associated with the aristocracy, because it was practiced by the noblemen of the Mannerbund. In a sense this was an earthly manifestation of the Wild Hunt, associated with the Wild Host. This is why up to our times the fox-hunt had the same symbols as the ancient hunter-bands -

  • Black & Red which were colours of the Mannerbunde.
  • The Hunting-Horn that sounded before the hunt, because this would have been the role of the 'Warner' because this was a sacred hunt, and thus a warning to the uninitiated would be needed. 
  • The war-cry 'Tally Ho' which is formed from old Germanic cries associated with the Wild Hunt and the One-Eyed Hunter-God. 
  • The Horses and the Hounds are a major feature of the Wild Hunt and the Wild Host.
  • The 'blooding' of the novice would also form part of an ancient ritual cult. 

Tuesday, 21 February 2023

The Germanic Mannerbunde - Part One


The whole idea of research and study into the ancient Germanic Mannerbunde is not merely to look back into the past but to take stock of the past and how we can, in our own time, revive some of the most useful concepts of our forefathers. The Mannerbunde was made up of young aethlinga warriors who were sent out as Lone-Wolves or Wolfish Bands into the wilds to hunt and fight for their survival in the most harsh conditions. If young people today were subjected to such rigorous training the social services would seen get involved. And here lies the problem, since young men need to go through some forms of hardship and training in order to become strong men. This is denied them, although parents can, in some small degree, help by not bringing young boys up in totally soft conditions - martial arts, strength-training and survivalism are some ways to do this. 

In this Swedish bracteate we see what is most likely Woden as a Horned God, bearing the Solar-Horns & Lunar-Horns, a sword and two spears, in the pose of the Long Man of Wilmington. He seems to be leading a Wolf-Warrior in a war-dance; he is here the leader of the army of the ecstatic wolf-warriors. The Wolf-Warrior is a Wolf-Krieger or Ulfhedhnin, and the horned figure seems to have the right eye missing.

Woden's role in this Warrior Cult is as the Heerfuhrer or 'Leader of the War-Band'; but using the term 'Fuhrer' is not an arbitrary one, since this title links him to the Teuton Fury or Wolf-Fury which is the basis of the Wod-Force, and Woden is the 'Master of Wod'. The word here, here, heri is usually translated as 'army' but its origins lie in the idea of a war-band, a Cultic-Warrior Band. We find this term in the rod for the 'Single Combatants' or Einheriar. 

Here we should look at the idea of the Einheriar since they are the Chosen Warriors of Woden who ride out of Valhalla to fight the Last Battle at Ragnarok. They are thus the Warriors of Valhalla in this sense, but in another sense they could be seen as the Lone Wolves who are the last to stand here in Middle-Earth against the Forces of Darkness. They are the One-Harriers who stand alone and isolated in an alien world but who are ready and willing to stand behind the Heerfuhrer when he arises to lead them into the Last Battle. 

The Old English hergian, herigan means 'to make a predatory raid, to destroy, to lay waste, to plunder, to despoil, commit ravages', and the modern English 'to harry' and 'harrow' stem from this too. War was razzia, the theft of cattle and the abduction of women; this seems clear from much later times when the Americas were being settled by pioneers, and cattle-rustling was one of the 'pastimes' of this era. In later times, such a the Viking era, we find much the same thing, but at this time it was mainly gold and not cattle, since gold had replaced cattle as a means of barter. This is shown in the rune-poems where the Old English Poem has 'cattle' for Feoh, and later substitute 'gold'. This was called by the PIE *koryo-no-s and the troop were the *koryos; we shall refer here to the war-band as the heri since this is the Germanic title.

These were Cultic Warrior Brotherhoods and Thunor was chided by Loki as being an einheri which tells us that Thunor is the Archetypal Cultic-Warrior. These Cultic-Warriors upheld the Totenkult (Cult of the Dead) and the Ahnenkult (Cult of the Ancestors). Woden its the Totenfuhrer im Totenheer who leads the Army of the Dead, and the dead are the honoured ancestors - the Immortals - whose life force, that divine spark, is far more potent after death than before they died. It matters little whether they died in battle or of old age, it was their life's work that counted. Believing that one has to die on battle to go to Valhalla could mean that the individual only has to fight one fatal battle to do so; this is like the Christian view that it only needs a death-bed 'conversion' to do the trick. The secret lies in a Heroic Life that ends in death, where the Life-Force lives on, but it lives on in its own Immortal Body which cannot die again. 

The whole theme of 'Halloween' or 'All-Hallows Eve' is that of an Ancestral Cult and Cult of the Dead. The skeletal dress, the weapons, the ghostly aspect of the dead, the point of the year when the Veils of the World are thinnest, even the 'Trick and Treat' which is supposed to be a modern addition, but which has its roots in the Cultic-Warrior Cults. Between October 31st (Halloween), November 5th (Fire-Festival) and November 11th (Einheriar Day) we have a long ritual period dedicated to the Totenkult and to the Ahnenkult. 

Both the Wild Host or Wild Army and the Wild Hunt are connected to these Cultic Brotherhoods, hunting being a kind of practice for warfare at this time. In blackening their faces and body, and wearing masks, these Cultic-Warriors are Woden's Daemonic Warriors - they are the Dead! This is a concept that arises anew in Lord of the Rings where Aragorn leads an 'Army of the Dead' into the Battle of Pelinor Fields.